The high degree of stability of the rugged high compaction screed VB805TV-E Plus is achieved by the advanced control system for the hydraulically extendable sub- assemblies, where main screed, torsion housing and telescoping components are interconnected via guide tubes. With a basic width of 2,5 m the rugged construction of the telescopic screed VB805TV-E Plus ensures a high degree of stability essential for hydraulical extension to 5m and a paving width of up to 7,5 metres (with extension boxes). Controls for the screed heating system together with the tamper speed potentiometer are housed within a conveniently located lockable enclosure. Optionally equipment like vibration speed potentiometer together with digital display for tamper and vibrator speed is being offered.
Mass, basic width: 3,940,000 g
Basic paving width: 2,500 mm
Min. paving width: 2,000 mm
Max. paving width: 8 m