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Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Policy

Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Policy

At Dynapac we recognize that protecting the environment and prioritizing the safety, health, and welfare of its employees, suppliers, customers, and those impacted by its activities are not only critical for achieving business excellence, but they also play a vital role in fostering a sustainable society. We are committed to contributing towards achieving the United Nation's sustainable development goals particularly those related to improving global health and well-being, promoting clean energy, driving innovation in industry and infrastructure, encouraging responsible consumption and production, and addressing the urgent issue of climate change. Consequently, we aim to ensure sustainable manufacturing and responsible usage of our products worldwide. We thus operate consciously in a binding with our core values – autonomy, commitment, and audacity – embedded in our policies regarding health, safety, environment, and quality.

The Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality policy is applicable across the entire Dynapac irrespective of location. Each Managing director, General Manager and Manager in the company is responsible for communication and implementation of this policy in its true spirit and measure performance accordingly. The local IMS manager provides additional support with guidance from the Sustainability specialist.

Safety and Health

At Dynapac, every individual holds the responsibility for safety and health at work. Together, we aim to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees across all our operations while encouraging the same across the value chain.

 We are committed to:

  • Establish a workplace that nurtures both physical and psychological well-being for employees while also cultivating and communicating a culture of safety that extends from the workplace to the entire value chain.
  • Proactively mitigate risks and prevent incidents of injuries, work-related illnesses, and accidents at the workplace.
  • Design and manufacture products that meet relevant local and international safety standards.
  • Incorporate feedback from employees particularly regarding health and safety issues.


Protection of the environment across the entire value chain is of utmost importance to Dynapac as we aim to conduct business in a manner that preserves the environment for future generations.

We endeavor to:

  • Design and produce our products to obtain efficient resource utilization.
  • Reduce Greenhouse gas emissions and set targets compatible with the limiting of global warming to reach CO2 neutrality.
  • Reduce energy consumption in operations and products and promote energy efficiency across the value chain.
  • Implement stringent prevention and control measures to reduce our environmental impact, particularly regarding pollution.
  • Persistently create awareness and encourage active engagement regarding environmental issues throughout the value chain.


Dynapac’s firm commitment to quality is an integral part of its operations. We aim to set a benchmark for customer satisfaction and be our customer’s sustainable partner on the road ahead while adhering to international safety, health, environmental and quality management standards.

We pledge to:

  • Continually improve our processes, products, and services to meet our customers’ needs and surpass their expectations.
  • Proactively address risks and opportunities that could influence quality, long-term profitability, and sustainable development.
  • Actively seek, assess, and select suppliers and business partners in accordance with our thorough assessment criteria for environmental and social practices aiming to cultivate sustainable business relationships.
  • Prioritize adherence to the requisite standards, laws, and regulations of the respective countries where we operate, thereby strengthening our commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.
  • Promote and maintain open, transparent, and effective communication of quality-related information, both internally and externally.

Wardenburg 1 November 2023

Paul Hense