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DAM platform

Welcome to Dynapac DAM « Digital Asset Management » platform. Find your assets, accessible anytime, anywhere and securely

DAM platform

Welcome to Dynapac DAM « Digital Asset Management » platform. Find your assets, accessible anytime, anywhere and securely

Con quien contactar para información

Communication department

Email only!

In the Dynapac DAM, a large selection of photos, images, movies, animations and documents available to Dynapac companies, authorized Dynapac Dealers and distributors, and advertising agencies/graphic designers who have been retained by Dynapac.

All users within the Dynapac domain can log into the application by SSO (Single Sign On), all other (external) users requires an invite. Please see contact details for email.

No one else is permitted to download or otherwise use any photo, unless specifically authorized in a writing signed by a Dynapac manager. Reporters with newspapers and/or other media, should please contact Dynapac for permission prior to publishing any photo. 
All photos that are used must be used with permission in accordance with the above (and in accordance with Dynapac guidelines/policies, as may be communicated by Dynapac from time to time) and must refer to the source: "Photo: Dynapac". Changing or modifying the photos is not permitted. All rights are reserved, including but not limited with respect to copyrights and trademarks.