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VB340V Banchi

  • Immagini
  • Dimensioni
Larghezza di base 1,70 m
Largh. Lavoro, min con riduttori 1,10 m
Largh. Lavoro, estensibile idr. 3,40 m
Larghezza di lavoro, max 4,10 m
Width (sole plate) mm
Discontinued true
This screed type with a basic width of 1,70 m has been developed for use on the wheeled and tracked F6 paver range. The VB340TV is infinitely variable extendable to 3,40 m, the maximum working width of 4,40 m (on F6C ) can be achieved by use of extension parts. As standard the screed is equipped with gas heating, including electric ignition, temperature and flame control.
Larghezza di lavoro, base: 1,70 m
Larghezza di lavoro, max: 4,10 m
Spessore strato, max: N/A
Cap. di stesa teor.: N/A

Dati tecnici

Peso (larghezza di base) 1350 kg

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