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Dynapac SD25 80C e Straßenfertiger

  • Erfahrung
  • Bilder
  • Maße
A. Laufwerkslänge 2.90 m
B1. Breite, max. 3.40 m
B2. Grundbreite 2.55 m
B3. Breite, Laufwerksmitte 1.99 m
C1: Crawler Width 0.32 m
H1. Höhe, max. 3.90 m
H2. Transporthöhe 3.10 m
H3. Push Roller Height 0.49 m
L1. Länge 6.15 m
L2. Länge, Mulde 2.12 m
Discontinued true
The Dynapac SD Series pavers offer top-tier performance with advanced screed systems, intelligent automation, and superior traction. Featuring a dual-seat platform with a central dashboard, they ensure optimal control and comfort.
Einbaubreite: N/A
Arbeitsbreite, max.: N/A
Einbaustärke, max.: N/A
Theor. Einbauleistung: N/A

Funktionen und Vorteile

Technische Daten

Gewicht (inkl. Standardbohle) 21.000.000 g
Weight (highest Equipment Level) 32.50 t (EN500-1 3.2.2)
Weight (lowest equipment level) 27.00 t (EN500-1 3.2.2)
Max. Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit m/s
Maximale Einbaugeschwindigkeit
Transportgeschwindigkeit km/h
Alternativer Motor
Emission stage
Peak Power
Rated power
DEF tank capacity
Fuel tank capacity
Average fuel conumption
Alternativer Motor
Emission stage
Average fuel conumption
DEF tank capacity
Fuel tank capacity
Lattenrost, Bedienung Proportional with paddle sensor
Lattenrost, Breite 2x 655 mm
Transportband, Typ Conveyor, reversible
Electrical System
Akku-Typ Lithium-Ion (NMC)
Batteriekapazität (brutto) 294 kWh
Motor type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM)
Nominale Batteriespannung 665 V
Spannung Hilfsbatterie 24 V
System Power (Peak) 235 kW
5 – 80 % @ 235 kW (DC) ~ 40 min
5 – 80 % @ 400 V, 43 kW (AC, Type II) ~ 4.5 h

Ausrüstung (Standard und Optionen)


■ Pave OS
■ Dynapac Bypass Charging
■ Dynalink Advanced Telematics
■ Open Interface


■ Distance Dependent Slope and Crowning
■ Hydraulic Crowning
■ Fume Ventilation System
■ SafeImpact Truck Damping System
■ MatTracker
■ Sun Umbrellas for Side Shield
■ Magentic Storage Compartments
■ LightAssist incl. Home Coming
■ TruckAssist
■ Hydraulic Controlled Side Shields
■ Camera System
■ MatManager Job Site Documentation


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