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Join us at BAUMA 2025 and discover the latest innovations shaping the future of the construction industry.
SMT is proud to announce a strategic partnership with Dynapac, a leading global provider of road construction equipment. This collaboration will extend across SMT entire footprint in Africa, covering 17 markets in West and Central Africa.
An innovative tool designed to significantly simplify the working width configuration process for paving professionals.
Dynapac South Africa celebrates the launch of the Rhino soil compactors as well as the company's 90th anniversary together with dealers and customers.
This October, Dynapac Italy made a significant impact at the Asphaltica Exhibition in Bologna, where tradition met innovation in a showcase that captured the attention of industry professionals. Representing the heritage of the brand was the SD2500WS paver, a flagship model that continues to lead the market.
"It's been a tight challenge, and not in the way you may think about. You know, it's decades we're running the show in pavers, feeders and rollers field; and ask our engineers, we really did something good in the meanwhile. Nonetheless, here we were expecting a new attendance, ...
In September 2024 the refurbishment of Shanghai International Formula 1 was successfully completed. As an important milestone in the construction of racing facilities and modern high-grade roads in China, the refurbishment project has attracted widespread attention both inside and outside the industry.
Effective 1st October 2024, equipment dealer SMT and road machinery manufacturer Dynapac will provide high-quality road construction equipment in Great Britain, all backed by customer-centric service support.
Dynapac has announced the appointment of Nikhil Sapre as the new President effective October 1, 2024. Nikhil is succeeding Paul Hense who will join FAYAT Group as Vice President for FAYAT Road Equipment Division, after close to 10 years at Dynapac.
Dynapac, represented by its local dealer SEGMENT SH.A., has been a long-term partner of BAMI HOLDING, supplying high-quality road construction equipment over the years.
Dynapac UK have recently commissioned a SD2500CS Tracked Paver to Heidelberg Materials Contracting. This tracked paver is fit with innovative technology and will enhance Heidelberg Materials’ efficiency and capabilities in their future projects.
Advantages of SEISMIC ASPHALT include high-quality compaction, improved operator comfort and up to 25% fuel consumption savings when working in combination with EcoMode. As a result, this helps in reducing the CO2 emissions by up to 25%. Additionally, noise levels are lowered due to lower frequency and a potential overall reduction in the number of passes required to complete the job.
We are thrilled to announce that SMT GB has been appointed the exclusive distributor for all Dynapac product lines in Great Britain. This new partnership, effective from Tuesday, 1st October, combines partners strengths to provide a comprehensive product lineup, supported by a united and knowledgeable Road Machinery Team across Great Britain.
Dynapac's new Electric Forward Plates merging cutting-edge technology with a strong commitment to sustainability, operator health, and economic efficiency.
The PROTAC brings two processes together in one machine and in a single operation: paving and spraying. It applies simultaneously a layer of tack coat emulsion and a layer of asphalt. This not only saves time and therefore costs, but also increases the pavement quality.
Construction machinery Westphal from Eckernförde in Schleswig Holstein, Germany puts Dynapac's most modern roller - the CX9 with the automatic SEISMIC ASPHALT Compaction System - on the road.
Three models in the 18-, 20- & 22-tons weight classes are built for enhanced performance, operator experience & efficient operation that help minimize running costs.
Right at the beginning of the year, interested customers had the opportunity to find out about the latest trends and technologies in the field of using light equipment for compaction.
For 90 years, Dynapac has helped construct roads and paths that have accompanied countless people on their journeys. But perhaps a more poignant one is the road it as a company has been on for almost a century. This year, we will celebrate our 90th anniversary not only as a paving and compaction innovator but as a traveler on a unique path of our own.
Dynapac, clinched the esteemed Yellow Dot Award for the "Best Design Ease of Operation Award of the Year" for their exceptional Dynapac Paver Screed - SD2500CS. The honor was bestowed during the Yellow Dot Award function held by Equipment Times in Bangalore, coinciding with Excon 2023.
Gleich drei Straßenfertiger – zwei SD2500CS mit Bohlen V6000TVE und ein F1250CS – wechselten in diesem Jahr den Besitzer. Mit einem Auftragswert von fast einer Million Euro eine große Investition in die Zukunft des Mittelständlers aus Norddeutschland.
In a Dual Track project in Thailand, where both soil compaction and asphalt surface quality are critical, the Dynapac CA30D and CP275 machines prove to be valuable assets.
Dynapac chosen for Palkhi Marg construction with a whole fleet of machines, training and dedicated support
Der weltweit erste elektrische City Paver der Welt geht auf die Baustelle - sehen Sie sich die Ergebnisse an!
Paving the roadmap to the future: MatManager delivers all key benchmark parameters at a glance
Developed in cooperation with the Swedish company Skanska, the Z.ERA CC900 e offers all the durable performance of its diesel counterparts
The popular Compact Paver F1250CS is now launched as a new model with a number of improvements as the Dynapac F1250CS Plus
Dynapac is the partner of the TERNA Group GEK. S.A. in the development of the new Heraklion International Airport in Crete
Open for business and much more: The new Fayat (Tianjin) Trading Co., LTD
Dynapac India celebrated the roll-out of the 10,000th roller at Pune
More comfort and control: the new tandem asphalt roller range CC2200 VI – CC3800 VI
A skilled and well-trained operator is the need of the hour says Niti Anand, HR Manager
Die elektrischen DFP5X e, DFP8X e & DFP9X e
Dies ist die Generation Z – eine Produktlinie, die den Beginn einer neuen Ära markiert. Schritt für Schritt, Produkt für Produkt, reduzieren wir Emissionen während wir sicherstellen, dass Sie keine Kompromisse bei der Leistung eingehen müssen. Z.ERA – für eine emissionsfreie Welt.
Sunny weather for outside training course
Dyn@Lyzer - a fully integrated CCC system
Mobiler Beschicker MF2500CS hilft Cobleskill Stone Products Inc. Straßenbauarbeiten zu optimieren
Kunde Van Gelder investierte in einen elektrischen Straßenfertiger und eine elektrische Tandemvibrationswalze, um ab 2025 CO2-neutral zu werden.
Unterzeichnung der neuen Geschäftserweiterungsplattform Fayat (Tianjin) Trading Company
Ein Multitalent im Team - Dynapac Spraypaver SD2500CS PROTAC vereint zwei wichtige Prozesse in einer Maschine: Einbauen und Sprühen.
Jetzt neu: Ersatzteilkatalog mit tollen Aktionen. Für alle aktuellen Dynapac Fertiger, Beschicker, Classic Line und leichte Verdichtungstechnik.
DYNAPAC eCity-Fertiger - Teil des Z.ERA-Programms - Straßenbau auf dem Weg in die emissionsfreie Zukunft
Helmut Höpken feiert ein ganz besonders Jubiläum: 50 Jahre bei Dynapac. Alles begann 1972 mit einer Maschinenbaulehre.
Das Dynapac Einbauteam unterwegs mit unserem Kunden DIECKMANN und Mietpartner ALLBAU
Zwei Dynapac Fertiger der SD-Serie bauen „heiß an heiß“ parallel ein, um eine gleichmäßige und mittelnahtfreie Asphaltoberfläche zu erzielen
Kompaktfertiger FS1250CS mit dem Einbauteam von Koopmann und Wienkoop
Die Baustelle A13 - ein starke Partnerschaft zwischen Toffolutti und Dynapac ermöglicht erfolgreiche Durchführung der Nachtarbeiten
Überzeugend! Zwei Dynapac Beschicker im Einsatz auf kritischer Baustelle
Endlich können wir unsere Kunden wieder in Präsenz begrüßen. Im Oktober hat Dynapac an Messen in Frankreich, den USA und in Schweden teilgenommen.
Team fit machen für die nächste Saison! - DYNAPAC Schulungsangebote 2022 - Jetzt Plätze sichern in den Kursen!
Dynapac is pleased to announce the appointment of Jamie Roush to President/General Manager of Dynapac North America, effective October 1, 2021.
Der schwedische Baumaschinenpionier entwickelt die erste elektrisch angetriebene Tandemwalze ihrer Art.
Stampfer, vorwärtslaufende und reversierbare Vibrationsplatten, Doppelvibrationswalzen und unser Mehrzweckverdichter ergeben ein fantastisches Maschinensortiment
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