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Dynapac CC1000 e Tandemasfaltvältar

A. Axelavstånd 1 350 mm
B. Bredd 1 070 mm
C. Kantstensfrigång 465 mm
D. Valsdiameter 584 mm
H1. Höjd med ROPS / hytt 2 300 mm
K. Markfrigång 255 mm
L1. Längd 2 040 mm
L2. Längd (ROPS) 2 095 mm
O1. Överhäng, höger 35 mm
O2. Överhäng, vänster 35 mm
R1. Vändradie, yttre 2 860 mm
S. Valssvepstjocklek 13 mm
W. Valsbredd 1 000 mm
α. Styrvinkel ±34°
Discontinued false
The Dynapac CC1000 e is an electric driven roller that is a member of the small asphalt roller family. It can do a full day work without the need of recharging the batteries when used in its normal applications like small-scale compaction pattern work such as pavements, cycle paths, small roads and small parking areas. The large drum diameter and drive motors connected in series contributes to excellent accessibility and hill-climbing capacity. Propulsion and vibration naturally come as standard on both drums
Arbetsvikt: 1 775 kg
Statisk linjelast: N/A
Packningsbredd: 1 000 mm